Some instructions
To hire us
This page details what you need to know before hiring our services, including payment information. Our fees are generally displayed for each service. However, some may only display a fee estimation as your case and current specific situation will define the final amount. In such cases, please contact us for a quote (here).
What is the formal process to hire our services and what documents do you need to provide us with?
If you are interested in hiring our services, please send us an e-mail mentioning the services you are interested in to with an attached copy of an ID document, such as an ID card or a passport, and your Portuguese tax number (if applicable).
Only payments through wire transfer is currently accepted.
For all services up to 250 Euros, you will be requested to pay the full amount in advance. For all services above 250 Euros, a deposit of 25% will be requested (example: if the service fee amounts to 1,250 Euros, the requested deposit of 25% will amount to 312.50 Euros).
All fees invoiced by the competent authorities will be charged to our customers in addition to our services. However, our fees already include the assessment and certification of your documents by our lawyers.
Travel costs are not included either, but they are usually not necessary. Our team of experts cover the three major urban areas in Portugal, namely Lisbon, Porto and the Algarve. Therefore, any travel within these areas will not be charged whenever the customer can be represented, such as for the obtention of a tax identification number or for the designation of a tax representative. On the other hand, traveling outside of these areas or whenever the customer’s presence is mandatory (e.g. obtaining a visa or residence permit), but the latter requests our expert’s presence, will be charged in addition to our services. Nonetheless, any such fee will be discussed and agreed upon with the customer beforehand.
A VAT at the rate of 23% will apply to our services in addition to our fees. However, there are cases where the VAT does not apply (e.g. if the customer is a VAT-taxable entity, but not a tax resident in Portugal, or if the customer, who is not a VAT-taxable entity, is a tax resident of a country outside of the European Union).
If you wish to schedule an initial meeting – video call or phone call – to ask your questions and be advised about your tax and legal situation in Portugal, you will be charged a fixed rate of 125 Euros (plus VAT, if applicable). For more information please visit (here).
We are at your service
Contact us (here) for a quote estimate so that we can assist you with complying with your tax and legal obligations during your stay or residence in Portugal.