Bank Account
Account Opening for Expatriates in Portugal
Seamlessly open a bank account in Portugal. Tailored for expatriates, our service ensures hassle-free processing and immediate access to banking services.
Ready to embark on your banking journey in Portugal?
We understand the weight of tax and accounting burdens. Let us be your trusted guide in navigating these complexities, freeing you to focus on what matters most: growing your business. Together, let’s pave the way to financial ease and success!
Simplify Your Banking Journey
Simplify the process with our seamless account opening service.
Let us handle the details while you focus on making Portugal your new home.
Unlock banking ease and start living your dream life today!
How to Get Started
Enjoy the free time!
Experience seamless banking setup with our streamlined process. Simply submit forms and documents online, sign and mail forms to us, and receive activated accounts and debit cards by mail.
Your peace of mind is our priority.
Form Submission
Clients fill out the form and upload required documents securely on our platform.
Signature Request
Banks email forms to clients for signature upon verification.
Bank Forms Submission
Clients print, sign, and mail forms to us via post.
Bank Forms Delivery
We deliver signed forms to the bank for processing.
Account Activation
Bank notifies clients via email with IBAN details once the account is open.
Card Delivery
Debit cards are mailed to clients' addresses for convenient access.
Video Tutorial on how to get started
What our clients say
“One of the best and most competent Tax Consulting agencies in Portugal.️”
Step Inside Portugal have been INVALUABLE.
I contacted other places when I first needed information and Step were head and shoulders above the rest - so I stayed with them and used their services throughout the whole process of moving to Portugal.
Highly recommended.
Quick, efficient, made moving to PT easy!
Any question you have step inside portugal made it easy - how to open IVA, how to file taxes. Worth every penny! The team answer super quickly and made moving to PT hassle free. Thank you!
Outstanding guidance.
We've relied on Step Inside Portugal since moving to Portugal over a year ago for help navigating the often confusing shoals of residency and tax requirements. The team is stellar in every way -- knowledgeable, responsive, proactive. They've helped make our transition to Portugal a seamless one. Highest recommendation!
Provides all you need!
They are great! Very knowledgeable and always available for any questions.
Reviews from Trustpilot
Our Trusted Banking Partner
Introducing Millennium bcp
We collaborate with Millennium bcp, recognized as one of the top private banks in Portugal. With over 600 branches nationwide, they offer extensive coverage and trusted banking services to our clients.
Your Premier Banking Solution
Minimum deposit of 250€
15€ monthly commission
Assigned private banker manager
2 Debit Cards and available Credit Card
transparent pricing
Start Your Account Opening Journey Today!
Ready to kickstart your banking journey hassle-free? Purchase our service now for a seamless account opening experience designed for expatriates.
Unlock Banking Convenience
Portuguese Bank account
Our service streamlines the bank account opening process for expatriates in Portugal. From form submission to receiving activated accounts and debit cards by mail, we handle it all, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
€ (+VAT)
Your Essentials: NIF & Bank account
Your Complete Entry Package
Simplify your move to Portugal with our all-in-one solution! Acquire your Portuguese Taxpayer Number (NIF) alongside your Bank Account.
NIF & Bank account
Effortlessly Transition: Obtain your Portuguese Taxpayer Number (NIF) and open a bank account seamlessly with our combined service.
€ (+VAT)
The documents you need to have in place
ID and Address Proof
- Valid identification document (citizen card, passport, or driver's license)
- Proof of address (any document with your name and address, valid for less than 3 years)
Tax and Employment Docs
- Tax Identification Number (NIF) document issued by the Tax Authority
- Proof of profession valid for less than 3 months (payslips, invoices, rents or pension documents)
Our Unique Bank Account Opening Service
Setting the Standard: What Sets Our Bank Account Opening Service Apart?
Simplify your bank account opening in Portugal. Our tailored service offers expatriates an efficient, convenient, and expert-led process for hassle-free banking.
We streamline the bank account opening process, saving you time and effort.
Clients can complete most steps remotely, from form submission to receiving activated accounts and debit cards by mail.
Our team specializes in serving expatriates, ensuring a smooth and tailored experience for each client.

Reliable professionals.
Easy to communicate, fast response, professionals, it’s been a pleasure to work with you twice, in both cases your company managed to solve my problems quickly.
Anna Umanenko
Your Questions Answered
Find answers to commonly asked questions about banking and account opening in our FAQs section. Learn about required documents, fees, features, and more to make informed decisions about your banking needs.
What are the benefits of opening a bank account?
Opening a bank account provides a secure place to store your money, access to various banking services such as online banking and mobile banking, and the ability to build a banking relationship for future financial needs.
Can I open a bank account if I have a poor credit history?
Some banks may offer basic bank accounts that do not require a credit check, making them accessible to individuals with poor credit history.
What documents are typically required to open a bank account?
Commonly required documents include valid identification (such as passport or ID card) proof of address (such as utility bills or rental agreements) and proof of profession.
How long does it take to open a bank account?
The time it takes to open a bank account can vary depending on the bank and the complexity of the account opening process. Our process can take between 2-4 weeks.
Can I open a bank account if I'm not a resident of the country?
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Can I open a joint account with someone else?
Yes, the bank offer joint account options, allowing two or more individuals to share ownership and access to the account.
Do I need to visit a bank branch to open an account?
While some banks may require in-person visits for verification purposes, Millennium bcp allows the on-line process alternative.
How can I deposit money into my bank account?
You can deposit money into your bank account through various methods, including direct deposit, ATM deposits, mobile check deposit, and in-person deposits at a bank branch.
Can I switch banks and transfer my existing accounts?
Yes, many banks offer services to help customers switch banks and transfer their existing accounts, including direct debits and standing orders. It’s advisable to check with the new bank for their specific switching process.
Are my deposits in the bank insured?
In many countries, bank deposits are insured up to a certain limit by a deposit insurance scheme. This means that if the bank were to fail, your deposits would be protected up to the insured limit. In Portugal the limit is EUR 100,000.
Can I access my bank account from abroad?
Many banks offer online banking and mobile banking services that allow you to access your account from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Additionally, you may be able to use your debit card to withdraw cash or make purchases abroad, although foreign transaction fees may apply.
Can I close my bank account if I no longer need it?
Yes, you can close your bank account at any time by contacting your bank and following their account closure procedures. Be sure to withdraw any remaining funds and cancel any recurring payments linked to the account before closing it.
Contact us
If you have any immediate questions or concerns, feel free to contact us by email or whatsapp.
Have a lot of questions?
Book Your Consultation Today!
Don’t miss out on the myriad opportunities Portugal has to offer. Schedule your tax and/or immigration consulting meeting today. Get expert guidance tailored to your needs for a seamless transition and compliance with Portuguese regulations.